Practical Logos represents the concept that through reason and reflection we are able to adequately resolve what we are to do in any situation. We have been given the internal ability to make moral and right decisions for our own lives. Usually this concept is called Practical Reason, but we have chosen to use the Greek word for reason, Logos, because it is through John’s definition of Logos that we gain the ability for practical reason. The gospel of John uses Logos to refer to the Word or more precisely the Living Word, Jesus Christ. It is through the Living Word that all things and people were created and created with rational minds and the moral law written on their hearts. Through Practical Logos, we aim to reason through theology, philosophy, and the world in order to live well and to better this fallen world.

Now we are no experts in any field, but we are laypeople with a deep intellectual interest in the worlds of theology and philosophy. In 2 Corinthians 2:5, Paul writes “We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ”. We believe that Christians should be prepared to defend and articulate their faith through evangelism and apologetics, as well as pay careful attention to their minds and to their thoughts. This is done through the study and understanding of theology and philosophy. It is through these disciplines we are able to grow in knowledge of God and of ourselves.