Tag: Demons
Demonology: Part 4: Closing Thoughts on Demonic Origins
Over the last several posts we have analyzed the biblical, apocryphal, and historical positions on demonic origins. We have shown that the biblical text is largely silent on the topic, but it does support or at least oblige the claims made in the apocryphal text of 1 Enoch. Finally, we surveyed the opinions of early…
Demonology: Part 3: Early Church View on Demonic Origins
Just as today, early Christians took a variety of views on demonic origins. Some of the church fathers agreed with the Nephilim view and others believed that demons were simply fallen angels. Justin Martyr wrote in chapter 5 of The Second Apology, “But the angels transgressed this appointment, and were captivated by love of women, and begot children who are…
Demonology: Part 2: What are Demons?
As we discovered in the last post, there is no biblical evidence that demons are fallen angels. So, what are demons? Since the Bible is largely silent on the issue, we have to turn to outside the Bible. I believe that the best explanation of demons comes from 1 Enoch, and that the Bible does…
Demonology: Part 1: Are Demons Fallen Angels?
No. Well not in the way most people think. There are two verses in the Bible that refer to the Devil and his angels, Matthew 25:41 41 Then he will say to those on his left, “Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” and Revelation 12:9.…